Less, but Better 30-Day Email Course

Less, But Better is a FREE 30-day email course to be your roadmap to essential living.

By joining Greg’s Newsletter you’ll receive this free 30-day course. Each lesson, delivered every 3 days, will empower you with the wisdom and actionable insights on how to design a life that really matters. Practice the principles and keep track of your progress in the included free 24 page course workbook.

30-Day Email Course

Join Greg's Newsletter & start living the life you design.
Enroll in the free Less, But Better course today!

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Bonus! By enrolling in the Less, But Better course, you will also automatically receive Greg McKeown’s weekly newsletter, 1-Minute Wednesday, filled with simple strategies and resources for living the life you design. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Start Living the Life You Design

Do you ever look around and feel like life is living you instead of you living it? 

Are you overwhelmed by the endless to-do list that always seems to get longer by the end of the day? Are you frustrated because the things that matter most always seem to be at the mercy of the things that matter least?

Imagine a life where you can confidently say “no” to the noise, and “yes” to what truly matters.

Welcome to Less, But Better: A free 30-Day Email Course for Essential Living by Greg McKeown, the author of the New York Times Bestsellers Essentialism and Effortless

This transformative course is designed to guide you on a path towards a simpler, more purposeful life.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover:

Week 1

  • Lesson 1: What’s Most Important?
    Learn to distinguish between the vital few and the trivial many.
  • Lesson 2: Defining Your Essential Intent
    Craft a clear vision for your life and set essential landmarks to guide you.
  • Lesson 3: Embrace Strategic Trade-Offs
    Master the art of making thoughtful trade-offs to accomplish more of what matters.

Week 2

  • Lesson 4: The Power of Saying “No”
    Discover the skill of gracefully saying “no” to nonessential commitments, and clear your path to say “yes” to truly great opportunities.
  • Lesson 5: A 5-Second Strategy to Avoid the Casual Commitment Trap
    Learn to make commitments intentionally rather than casually. Use a simple 5-second strategy to align your choices with what’s essential.
  • Lesson 6: How to Uncommit From the Nonessential
    Learn how to graciously uncommit from the nonessential commitments you’ve made that are taking away your time and energy from the essential things in your life.

Week 3

  • Lesson 7: The Power of Defining What Done Looks Like
    Define what success means for you to make better decisions and stay on course.
  • Lesson 8: The Secret to Getting Started and Making Real Progress
    Combat overwhelm by combining the first step with focused bursts of activity.
  • Lesson 9: Avoid Burnout by Establishing an Effortless Pace
    Set upper and lower bounds to maintain a sustainable pace toward your essential goals.

Week 4

  • Lesson 10: How to Make the Essential Automatic
    Discover how routines make difficult tasks seem easy. Learn to create cues that trigger essential actions effortlessly.
  • Lesson 11: The Flywheel of Essentialism
    Maintain your momentum on your essential journey by creating systems that allow you to revisit guiding principles, evaluat progress, and make necessary course corrections.
    By the end of this course, you will have the tools, knowledge, and mindset to live a life that is less cluttered and more aligned with your true purpose. Say goodbye to overwhelm and hello to essential living.

Enroll Today for FREE!

Enter your email address below to embark on this transformative 30-day journey towards a simpler, more meaningful life. Your essential life awaits – start your journey now!

Enroll for Free

Bonus! By enrolling in the Less, But Better course, you will also automatically receive Greg McKeown’s weekly newsletter, 1-Minute Wednesday, filled with simple strategies and resources for living the life you design. You can unsubscribe at any time.